Monday, 20 June 2011

Cylon,Hybrid or an Angel ? Never known at all !

WARNING: Spoiler Alert !!!

Many of us know that Sturbuck is the major character of bsg, because she was the one who led humanity and cylons to earth, while bsg is all about Earth, so Sturbuck is with no doubt the major character. So we all have doubts about who Kara "Sturbuck" Thrace was. So what's the logic part ? Here are some of the alternatives:

Alternative 1: We know when sturbuck was little, her father taught her the cylon song that the final five keep hearing it. From where does her father know that song ? We can somehow prove that sturbuck's father was the seventh cylon(Daniel) and hence, Sturbuck is a hybrid.

Alternative 2: In the last episode, we saw that Sturbuck suddenly disappeared, so this will guarantee that she is an angel. But angels cannot be seen by humans/Cylons... ?! So the 'poofing' part is a little bitchy. 

I, personally think that she is a hybrid and not Angel because Angels are invisible.

What do you think ?!


  1. What you have written is logical and yes the poofing part is a little bit unfair, but sturbuck disappearing will actually indicate she's an angel... But still it's unfair ! As you have indicated angels cannot be seen by cylons or humans(except gaius and six) soo.. The reality is hidden or there is no reality !

  2. She was the proof of what Gaius Baltar said, that humans go on after they die.
